February 5, 2025

There is no one-size-fits-all test for infertility. Doctors employ a range of methods to discover any issues that may be causing reproductive issues. A Pap smear, which is used to detect abnormal cells surrounding the cervix, may be performed on you. The test can identify cervical cancer and other cervix disorders, as well as sexually transmitted illnesses. Any of these factors might make it difficult to conceive. To become pregnant, you must release an egg each month, which is referred to as “ovulation.” You may require tests to check for this. Your doctor may instruct you to do a luteinizing hormone, or LH, urine test at home. This hormone is at its peak immediately before you ovulate.There is fertility screening singapore.

Reproductive Organ Examinations

Your uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries must all function properly before you may become pregnant. Your doctor may recommend the following procedures to monitor the health of certain organs:

obstetrics clinic

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG). This is a sequence of X-rays of your fallopian tubes and uterus, sometimes known as a “tubogram.” After your doctor injects a liquid dye into your vagina, the X-rays are taken. Another approach substitutes saline and air for dye and ultrasonography. The HSG can tell you whether your fallopian tubes are obstructed or if you have any uterine problems. The test is often performed shortly after your menstrual cycle.

Ultrasound of the cervix. An ultrasound “wand” is inserted into the vagina and brought close to the pelvic organs by a clinician.They’ll be able to examine photos of the ovaries and uterus using sound waves to check for issues.

Hysteroscopy. Your doctor inserts a tiny, flexible tube with a camera into the uterus through the cervix. They can detect abnormalities and collect tissue samples if necessary.

Laparoscopy. Your doctor makes small incisions in your stomach and inserts instruments such as a camera. This procedure may examine your whole pelvis and perhaps address issues like endometriosis, a condition that affects your pelvic organs.


Your doctor may also examine your blood levels of the hormone progesterone. Increased progesterone levels indicate that you are ovulating. You can check your body temperature every morning on your own. Just after ovulation, the basal body temperature rises somewhat. By monitoring it every morning for several months, you’ll understand your ovulation rhythm. Your doctor may also perform thyroid testing or look for other hormonal issues to rule out illnesses that might cause missing or irregular ovulation. The fertility screening,Singapore should be tried if you face any problems.